Appearance: A white she-cat with violet color points and green eyes General Description:Violet tends to be quiet, and shy. But she normally has a loud voice and opinion when it comes to it, and she is quite the chatterbox when she starts. She is averagely friendly, but when her mood becomes sour she can be sarcastic and even at times, snappy to those that do her wrong and others. Strengths: Alert, problem solving, learning Weaknesses:healing, strength, anxiety Goals/Ambitions: Violet's goal is to live a fulfilling life with many children to raise or help along with. Worst Fear: Violet's worst fear is for one of her kits to be a stillborn, or for someone to die in front of her when she could've helped them. Likes: to be decided Dislikes: to be decided Habits: to be discovered
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: To be decided if I want to give her any
Kits: N/A
Hmm not sure on a history yet. I will edit this later as I go on, not sure what I want to put as her history
Three colonies of feral cats,
entwined in fate and bound by only
their surroundings. Can they live
in harmony despite the brewing storm,
or are they destined to live a life
of war and turmoil? You decide.
Paracosm was founded by Maple,
satyr, IAmHobbit and Roseatea.
Everything on this site belongs to its
creator. The skin was made by satyr
for use on Paracosm.